Optionally, you can translate almost all texts into a language of your choice. Alternatively you can use this feature to implement your own lingo.
General Settings
Locale - enter the Locale for which you translate
In the Table stack you can activate the translation with the following settings:
Translation - Activate the translation feature by selecting Custom. Locale - enter the same name of the Locale which you used in the Translation Stack
Buttons Texts
In this section you can translate the texts which are used on the buttons.
General Texts
In this section you can translate the texts which are used across the Table Stack. The elements in capital letters which are pre- and post-fixed with Underscore characters are macros.
Pagination Area
In this section you can translate the texts which are used in the Pagination section.
Aria Texts
In this section you can translate the texts which are used in the Aria section.
Number Formatting
In this section you can configure locale-specific number formatting.
In this section you can translate the texts which are used in the Datepicker section.